• Publications Nationales et Internationales année 2015


 Sciences de la nature et de la vie

 Lakbar Chanez, Retem Chahira, Labar Sofiane, Trocchia Samantha, Djabri Larbi, Maurel Daniel, Siaude Philippe, Guerriero Giulia. Environmental Effect of Parathion Methyl on Bio-chemical Changes and Detoxification Capacity. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research. May 2015. Volume 6, Issue5, ISSN: 2229-5518.

 Ghamri Abdelaziz. Nouvelle méthode d’évaluation des parcours steppiques e Algérie. Livestock Research for Rural Development 27 (7). 2015. ISSN:0121-3784. http://www.lrrdd.org/lrrd27/7/gham27139.html
 S. Telailia, L. Boutabia, E. Bensaci, A. Boucheker, M.F. Samar, M.C. Maazi, M.Saheb, M.A. Bensouileh and m.Houhamdi, Memographic development of breeding populations of yellow-legged gull Larus michahellis Naumann, 1840 on the small islands and along the coastline of Numidia (north-eastern Algeria). The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 25(4), 2015: 1160-1167.
 Lamia Boutabia, Salah Telaila and Gérard de Bélair, Corticolous Lichen Flora on Quercussuber L. in the wetlands of El Kala National Park (north-eastern Algeria). Advances in Environmental Biology, 9(4), 2015: 360-372.
 Djabali Nacira, Berrezig Wiem, Ghai Djamila, Effects of Active Smoking on Renal Function, Advances in Environmental Biologie, 9(24), Novembre 2015: 191-195.
 Djabali Nacira and Taif Hanane, Study of the situation of active smoking in the area of El-Tarf (North-East of Algeria), International Journal of Current Research, Vol 7, Issue12, Décembre 2015 : 24831-24835.